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The Iron Life Podcast with Chris Tutela

Jul 26, 2019

Back in 2006 I was given an opportunity to work as a strength and conditioning coach. 

That opportunity was given to me by my cousin, mentor and renowned strength and conditioning specialist, John Alvino. 

John has 27 years experience in this field and is more knowledgeable in regard to the human body than anyone...

Jul 19, 2019

Struggling to get results in the gym is frustrating AF. I've been there.

But I learned the hard way what not to do.

So I want to show you exactly what you should avoid and what you should do instead to accelerate your gains.

On today's episode of The Iron Life Podcast I give you the 14 biggest training mistakes I see...

Jul 12, 2019

My guest on today's episode of The Iron Life Podcast is Sam Morris.

Sam is the owner of Telos Lifestyle, addiction consultant, podcaster and personal development coach.

He also suffers from alcoholism and shares his story with you today on this powerful episode. 

He discusses what got him into drinking in the first...

Jul 5, 2019

Have you ever spent time thinking about how you want to be remembered? The legacy that you want to leave behind for your loved ones to remember you by? Most people don't and end up having a ton of regrets at the end of the road.

On Episode 9, Chris gives you the blueprint for creating the legacy you want as well as...