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The Iron Life Podcast with Chris Tutela

Oct 30, 2020

Complacency kills in a lot of ways.

In life we become complacent and our goals, dreams and ambitions die. 

That's going to change today, because on today's episode you're going to learn ten ways to raise your standard, kill complacency and live the life you were meant to live.

Get ready to level up.

Oct 23, 2020

Kaizen, is the Japanese philosophy for “continuous improvement, or change for the better”.

This philosophy, when applied to fitness, is the best way to achieve the outcome you want, and maintain it for the long haul.

It’s what I teach my coaching clients to help them melt fat, build muscle and drive positive...

Oct 16, 2020

Over the years of training and experimenting on myself and my clients, I've learned a few things about building muscle naturally.

On today's episode I share with you exactly how you can start packing more muscle on your frame.

You'll learn:

  • The surprising truth about building muscle that no one will tell...

Oct 9, 2020

My guest on today's show is Dru Mejico.

Dru is a strength coach who works exclusively with police officers and first responders, helping them get stronger, shredded and perform better without beating up their joints. 

Today, Dru and I discuss:

  • The BIGGEST mistakes police officers make in their training and how to fix...

Oct 2, 2020

Rachel Scheer is a fitness model and Functional Medicine Nutritionist with a BS in Dietetics. 

Rachel is incredibly knowledgeable on nutrition, and today her and I go deep on the topic.

More specifically, we cover:

  • How she almost lost her large intestine
  • How your current diet is effecting your hormones
  • How to heal your...