Jul 23, 2021
Today I have a story that might spark something in you.
My hope is that that spark ignites an inferno of greatness that burns deep inside of you and moves you to do better.
Because we can all do better.
And this is a story about a moment in my life that motivated me to change and get me to where I'm at today.
Enjoy the...
Jul 9, 2021
My guest on today's show is Laroy Warner.
Laroy is a personal trainer and owner of The Iron Camp in Greenwich, Connecticut.
We had a great conversation that you're going to get so much out of.
Topics include:
Jul 1, 2021
On today's episode of The Iron Life Podcast Chris breaks down six popular exercises that probably suck for you.
Not only does he cover which exercises you should stop doing and why, he also goes into what exercises you can do instead so you can continue to get jacked, melt fat and remain injury free.
Enjoy the show.