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The Iron Life Podcast with Chris Tutela

Aug 28, 2020

Every decision you make will come at a cost.

Every decision you don't make also comes at a cost.

You have to figure out what each decision you make is worth to you, as well as those you don't.

Today's show might be the kick in the ass you needed.


Aug 21, 2020

Most people fail at achieving their fitness goals.

There are a few reasons for this, but the three steps I’m about to discuss are absolutely critical if you’re to stop failing and start smashing those goals.


To reach the outcome you want, you must know precisely what...

Aug 14, 2020

After a two week break I'm back on the mic with a solo episode to help guide you through your fitness and lifestyle struggles. 

On this show I fill you in on what's been going on in my personal life, TTS, my training and diet.

Aside from the updates on me, here are some other topics that will help you right now:

  • The...